JUST ONE MORE audiobook

New in Audio

With travel available again this summer, I suggest you consider an audiobook or two. You may think you don’t want to listen to an audio book because you love the feel, look and smell of a ‘real’ book but I’m here to tell you an audiobook can thrill you.  45% of American adults read at least 8.1 audiobooks a year and of that number over 30% read exclusively on audio.

I hear you say – that’s not reading – and I admit I used to kind of feel that way. However, studies have shown that you retain more when you read an audiobook than an ebook or a paper book. And, the number of available titles is growing every day!

In 2011 there were only 7,237 books produced. But by 2020 the industry published 71,000. Yes, they are more expensive but libraries and free audiobooks sites abound.

Two of my titles are out in audio. Shadows in Our Bones and Just One More. They are both available on Audible and at almost all your most loved audiobook sites.

Shadows in our Bones audio read by Veronica Giguere

Shadows in Our Bones is read by Veronica Giguere. Veronica has a long string of well-received narrations. She was lovely to work with and did a great job. As the author, I particularly enjoyed her portrayal of Cora Lane.

Just One More audio Nathan Agin

The psychological thrill, Just One More is read by Nathan Agin and was just released. Nathan, who is a fine actor reads this work beautifully. He instills emotion and believability into every scene. I was very impressed with his ability to take Harriet Blimm from age ten to age 28.

The most common place to read an audiobook is in the automobile while you commute or drive. If you’ve never tried it – I suggest you do. Having someone tell you a story is great at any age. And, if you are one of the adults who devour audiobooks – ENJOY!!

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