Thank you for making the book launch party for Just One More, on April 19th, 2022 a success. With seventy-five people attending in person and the global support from those of you who live too far away to drop by, we had a blast!

I appreciate all of you who are leaving reviews. I read each one and it makes my day to read things like this:
“The book was a fast read, begging me to turn Just One More page to find out who will be the next victim, hoping that she will find a way out of her inclination to solve her problems the easy way. A creative little killer who needs sympathy.”
Or this:
“Just finished your new book. It took me two days! I know what took me so long? I had to put it down to shower and make meals. But OH MY GOODNESS! I really did enjoy it. I even got up in the middle of the night to read!”
Would you like to receive a free signed bookplate for your copy of Just One More? Format doesn’t matter. Bookplates are for everyone.
To receive your signed bookplate, send me an email ( or a direct message on Facebook (TamaraMerrillAuthor) or Instagram (tmerrillauthor). Include your mailing address and the name you’d like me to mention.
Thanks again for all your support.