
I hate to write this kind of message. It’s so embarrassing. But —here goes. I received word this weekend that JUST ONE MORE which was due to ship on March 31 has shipped early. Now, that wouldn’t be a problem, except those of you that have received a copy – eBook, paperback, or hardcover – received a manuscript that was not copy edited and therefore you will notice a lot of dumb little errors.

I apologize profusely. If you bought an eBook, you should be able to just update your copy (it will show something like – updated book available – wherever you purchased your copy). If you purchased a paperback, or can’t update your eBook, contact me by responding to this message at tamara@tamaramerrill.com and I’ll see that you receive an updated book. Remember to include your shipping address and what you want to receive.

Thank you for your interest in Just One More. Please leave a review of this book, or any of my other books on your favorite book sites.

Happy Reading, Tamara

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